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Chatter has been around for quite a while now, but I find very few businesses fully leveraging it to improve their process flow. We’ve written quite a few posts around how to use Chatter, and today, I hope to add to that by giving you a simple user adoption plan with a couple quick tricks that will make Chatter an invaluable tool for your team.

Start out by reviewing the standard Chatter Actions available on each object. Out of the box, Salesforce offers key features like logging calls, uploading files, creating new Cases, and more. Ask around the office to find out what your team is doing most often, and create custom Chatter Actions to fill the gaps to help streamline those processes (see #1 here). Set up Chatter Feed Tracking to update the feed whenever key updates occur on a record. Finally, pick two or three actions your team should always complete within the feed, and when they do, congratulate them with an @mention. Drive towards Chatter, and away from email, for all collaborative conversations around records. Once your team gets the hand of Chatter, there’s no going back!

-Jared and the Salesforce Guys
