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Motivation Webinar with Hoopla and CloudMyBiz

Motivation Webinar with Hoopla and CloudMyBiz


It’s one thing to get some good momentum and motivation going internally within a company. It’s another thing to keep it going and adopt a series of best practices to ensure it never leaves.

On February 7th, 2019, CloudMyBiz partnered with Hoopla – a leader in employee motivation and engagement to put on a free webinar regarding exactly this topic.

During the webinar we discussing motivation in the workplace. What is it? How it works? And how can you use that knowledge to apply solutions that keep everyone motivated and ready to tackle anything that comes next!

We’ll also discussed practical applications for departments across financial organizations, leaving our participants with knowledge that they could apply right away. The feedback was great and overall, resulted in a very successful webinar.

Did you miss it? Well do not fear, we have a recording available for anyone who is interested!

Watch the recording here!

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App of the Week – Hoopla Sales Motivation, Leaderboards, Contests, Celebration!

App of the Week – Hoopla Sales Motivation, Leaderboards, Contests, Celebration!


It isn’t always easy to keep employees motivated and invested. Hoopla, however, is one of the leaders in solving this problem through gamification, leaderboards and good clean fun. How does it work? Hoopla syncs with your Salesforce, and allows you to display charts, graphs, or whatever, on any TV or monitor you want. You can project who is leading in monthly sales, who is behind on their quotas, or what number everyone has guessed for how many jelly beans are in the jar! 

Hoopla’s Top 10 AppExchange sales engagement app creates a high-performance culture with real-time data displayed on TV big screens, web, and mobile. Leaderboards, progress bars, contests, & customized win newsflashes engage & motivate to generate ROI.

Check it out here!