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Bulk Object Field Creator salesforce

If you’re working on creating your new cool tool or latest custom app in Salesforce, you know how much of a chore it can be to build all the fields you need. Sure, it’s easy. But with that ease – designed to demystify the process for system administrators and armchair developers – comes dozens of clicks and a grueling process. You have dozens of fields, and you need them now so you can get to building out the powerful automations that will drive true success. You need to check out the Bulk Object Field Creator!

Bulk Object Field Creator App allows users to create multiple or bulk fields of different field types in single go. By default, the application supports both Standard and Custom Objects. Within 5 minutes of configuration, it can easily add as many number of fields in Standard or Custom object in your organization. It can add upto 500 fields in single go in single object.

This awesome, free tool has only been out a month, but is already getting some fantastic reviews! Check it out, and let us know what you think!
